Keyboard Shortcuts

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To allow operation without removing one's hands from the keyboard, DXKeeper provides the following keyboard shortcuts for navigation among the Main window and Capture window fields.

Main window Log QSOs tab shortcuts

 The following shortcuts are effective within all items in panels on the Main window's Log QSOs tab, and within the Filter panel's Filter textbox; if the panel containing the destination item is not visible, then the shortcut will have no effect.

Alt Key Shortcut Effect
Alt-A moves the mouse cursor to the Primary Administrative Subdivision item
Alt-B moves the mouse cursor to the QSO begin  item
Alt-C moves the mouse cursor to the Call item
Alt-D moves the mouse cursor to the DXCC item
Alt-E moves the mouse cursor to the Comments item
Alt-F moves the mouse cursor to the TX Freq item
Alt-G moves the mouse cursor to the Grid 1 item
Alt-H moves the mouse cursor to the QSL Message item
Alt-I moves the mouse cursor to the Iota item
Alt-J saves the QSO and creates a new QSO record (equivalent to clicking the New button)
Alt-K moves the mouse cursor to the Address item
Alt-L saves the QSO (equivalent to clicking the Log button)
Alt-M moves the mouse cursor to the Mode item
Alt-N moves the mouse cursor to the Name item
Alt-O moves the mouse cursor to the Secondary Administrative Subdivision item (Allow direct Subdivision entry must be enabled to directly specify the subdivision instead of using the selector)
Alt-P moves the mouse cursor to the Primary Administrative Subdivision item (Allow direct Subdivision entry must be enabled to directly specify the subdivision instead of using the selector)
Alt-Q moves the mouse cursor to the QTH item
Alt-R moves the mouse cursor to the RST rcvd item
Alt-S moves the mouse cursor to the RST sent item
Alt-T moves the mouse cursor to the Contest item
Alt-U moves the mouse cursor to the QSL_Sent item
Alt-V moves the mouse cursor to the QSL Via item
Alt-W moves the mouse cursor to the TX serial# item
Alt-X moves the mouse cursor to the Band item
Alt-Y moves the mouse cursor to the Satellite Name item
Alt-Z moves the mouse cursor to the RX serial# text box
Alt-= moves the mouse cursor to the ARRL, region, or DOK item (if visible)
Alt-n moves the mouse cursor to user-defined field n, where n is a digit from 0 to 7


 The following shortcuts are effective within items in panels on the Main window's Log QSOs tab:

Ctrl Key Shortcut Effect
Ctrl-1 through Ctrl-9 in the RST sent or RST rcvd item, sets the signal report to 51 through 59 if the QSO's mode is a phone mode, or to 519 through 599 if the mode is not a phone mode
Ctrl-A selects the field's contents
Ctrl-C copies the selected text to the Windows clipboard
Ctrl-F moves the mouse cursor to the Filter textbox
Ctrl-G saves the QSO (equivalent to clicking the Log button)
Ctrl-J saves the QSO and creates a new QSO record (equivalent to clicking the New button)
Ctrl-L saves the QSO (equivalent to clicking the Log button)
Ctrl-N moves the mouse cursor to the QSL# item
Ctrl-P if no DXCC prefix has been selected, performs a lookup (equivalent to striking the Enter key in the Call item); then saves the QSO
Ctrl-R sets the QSL Rcvd item to Y
Ctrl-S sets the QSL Sent item to Y
Ctrl-V pastes the text contents of the Windows clipboard
Ctrl-X copies the selected text to the Windows clipboard and then deletes the selected text
Ctrl-Z performs an "undo" operation
Ctrl-Left Arrow moves the mouse cursor to the beginning of the current word in the current item
Ctrl-Right Arrow moves the mouse cursor to end of the current word in the current item
  • sets the current QSO's QSL received  item to Y (yes)

  • sets the current QSO's QSL date received item to the current UTC date

  • if an outgoing QSL card was not previously sent, sets the current QSO's QSL sent  item to "R" (requested)

  • sets the current QSO's QSL rcvd via to B (bureau)

  • saves the current QSO


  • sets the current QSO's QSL received  item to Y (yes)

  • sets the current QSO's QSL date received item to the current UTC date

  • if an outgoing QSL card was not previously sent, sets the current QSO's QSL sent  item to "R" (requested)

  • saves the current QSO

  • sets the current QSO's QSL received  item to Y (yes)

  • sets the current QSO's QSL date received item to the current UTC date

  • if an outgoing QSL card was not previously sent, sets the current QSO's QSL sent  item to "R" (requested)

  • sets the current QSO's QSL rcvd via to D (direct)

  • saves the current QSO

  • sets the current QSO's QSL received  item to Y (yes)

  • sets the current QSO's QSL date received item to the current UTC date

  • if an outgoing QSL card was not previously sent, sets the current QSO's QSL sent  item to "R" (requested)

  • set current QSO's QSL rcvd via to E (electronic)

  • saves the current QSO

Home moves the mouse cursor to the beginning of the item (text controls only)
End moves the mouse cursor to the end of the item (text controls only)


The following shortcuts are effective within all items in panels on the Main window's Log QSOs tab:

Key Shortcut Effect
Ctrl-Home selects the first QSO in the Log Page Display
Ctrl-End selects the last QSO in the Log Page Display
PageUp selects the previous QSO in the Log Page Display
PageDown selects the next QSO in the Log Page Display
Alt-Shift-E if the Edit button is visible, allows the current QSO to be modified


The following shortcuts are effective within the Log Page Display on the Main window's Log QSOs tab:

Key Shortcut Effect
Up Arrow selects the previous QSO in the Log Page Display
Down Arrow selects the next QSO in the Log Page Display
PageUp scrolls the Log Page Display up by the number of visible QSOs
PageDown scrolls the Log Page Display down by the number of visible QSOs


The following shortcuts are effective within the Filter panel's Filter textbox:

Ctrl Key Shortcut Effect
Ctrl-1 executes SQL filter 1 as defined in the Advanced window's SQL Query Filters panel
Ctrl-2 executes SQL filter 2 as defined in the Advanced window's SQL Query Filters panel
Ctrl-3 executes SQL filter 3 as defined in the Advanced window's SQL Query Filters panel
Ctrl-4 executes SQL filter 4 as defined in the Advanced window's SQL Query Filters panel
Ctrl-A selects the Filter textbox's contents
Ctrl-B filters the Log Page Display for broken QSOs
Ctrl-C filters the Log Page Display for QSOs with the specified Callsign
Ctrl-D filters the Log Page Display for QSOs with the specified Callsign's DXCC entity
Ctrl-G saves the QSO (equivalent to clicking the Log button)
Ctrl-J saves the QSO and creates a new QSO record (equivalent to clicking the New button)
Ctrl-N moves the mouse cursor to the QSL# item
Ctrl-L saves the QSO (equivalent to clicking the Log button)
Ctrl-S filters the Log Page Display with the SQL expression in the Filter Panel textbox
Ctrl-U filters the Log Page Display for QSOs that occurred within the specified time range
Ctrl-V pastes the text contents of the Windows clipboard
Ctrl-X resets the Log page filter so that all QSOs are visible there
Ctrl-Z performs an "undo" operation
Home move mouse cursor before the first character
End move mouse cursor after the last character
Ctrl-Left Arrow move mouse cursor to the beginning of the current word
Ctrl-Right Arrow move mouse cursor to end of the current word
  • sets the current QSO's QSL received  item to Y (yes)

  • sets the current QSO's QSL date received item to the current UTC date

  • if an outgoing QSL card was not previously sent, sets the current QSO's QSL sent  item to "R" (requested)

  • sets the current QSO's QSL rcvd via to B (bureau)

  • saves the current QSO


  • sets the current QSO's QSL received  item to Y (yes)

  • sets the current QSO's QSL date received item to the current UTC date

  • if an outgoing QSL card was not previously sent, sets the current QSO's QSL sent  item to "R" (requested)

  • saves the current QSO

  • sets the current QSO's QSL received  item to Y (yes)

  • sets the current QSO's QSL date received item to the current UTC date

  • if an outgoing QSL card was not previously sent, sets the current QSO's QSL sent  item to "R" (requested)

  • sets the current QSO's QSL rcvd via to D (direct)

  • saves the current QSO

  • sets the current QSO's QSL received  item to Y (yes)

  • sets the current QSO's QSL date received item to the current UTC date

  • if an outgoing QSL card was not previously sent, sets the current QSO's QSL sent  item to "R" (requested)

  • sets the current QSO's QSL rcvd via to E (electronic)

  • saves the current QSO

  • sets the current QSO's QSL received  item to Y (yes)

  • sets the current QSO's QSL date received item to the current UTC date

  • saves the current QSO

Ctrl-Home selects the first QSO in the Log Page Display
PageUp selects the previous QSO in the Log Page Display
PageDown selects the next QSO in the Log Page Display
Ctrl-End selects the last QSO in the Log Page Display
Alt-Shift-E if the Edit button is visible, allows the current QSO to be modified


Capture window shortcuts

The following shortcuts are effective within all items on the Capture window:

Alt Key Shortcut Effect
Alt-A moves the mouse cursor to the Primary Administrative Subdivision item
  • designates the QSO start time

  • hides the Begin button until the QSO is logged or cleared

  • displays the QSO start time

Alt-C moves the mouse cursor to the Call item
Alt-D moves the mouse cursor to the DXCC item
Alt-E moves the mouse cursor to the Comments item
Alt-F moves the mouse cursor to the Freq item
Alt-G moves the mouse cursor to the Grid 1 item
Alt-H moves the mouse cursor to the QSL Message item
Alt-I moves the mouse cursor to the Iota item
Alt-J saves the QSO  and clears the Capture window (equivalent to clicking the Log button)
Alt-K moves the mouse cursor to the Pwr item
Alt-L saves the QSO  and clears the Capture window (equivalent to clicking the Log button)
Alt-M moves the mouse cursor to the Mode item
Alt-N moves the mouse cursor to the Name item
Alt-O moves the mouse cursor to the Secondary Administrative Subdivision item
Alt-P moves the mouse cursor to the Primary Administrative Subdivision item
Alt-Q moves the mouse cursor to the QTH item
Alt-R moves the mouse cursor to the RST rcvd item
Alt-S moves the mouse cursor to the RST sent item
Alt-T moves the mouse cursor to the Contest item
Alt-U toggles the QSL request checkbox
Alt-V moves the mouse cursor to the QSL Via item
Alt-W moves the mouse cursor to the TX serial# item
Alt-X moves the mouse cursor to the CQ item
Alt-Y moves the mouse cursor to the ITU item
Alt-Z moves the mouse cursor to the RX serial# text box
Alt-= moves the mouse cursor to the ARRL, region, or DOK item (if visible)
Alt-n moves the mouse cursor to user-defined field n, where n is a digit from 0 to 7


The following shortcuts are effective within all items on the Capture window:

Ctrl Key Shortcut Effect
Ctrl-1 through Ctrl-9 in the RST sent or RST rcvd item, sets the signal report to 51 through 59 if the QSO's mode is a phone mode, or to 519 through 599 if the mode is not a phone mode
Ctrl-A selects the field's contents
  • designates the QSO start time

  • hides the Begin button until the QSO is logged or cleared

  • displays the QSO start time

Ctrl-C copies the selected text to the Windows clipboard
  • designates the QSO end time

  • hides the End button until the QSO is logged or cleared

  • displays the QSO end time

Ctrl-F invokes the Capture window's Lookup function
Ctrl-G saves the QSO  and clears the Capture window (equivalent to clicking the Log button)
Ctrl-J saves the QSO  and clears the Capture window (equivalent to clicking the Log button)
Ctrl-L saves the QSO  and clears the Capture window (equivalent to clicking the Log button)
Ctrl-N invokes the Capture Notes editor
Ctrl-P if no DXCC prefix has been selected, performs a lookup (equivalent to striking the Enter key in the Call item); then saves the QSO and clears the Capture window

clears all Capture window fields, and places the cursor in the Call field

Ctrl-S send an outgoing spot without notes
Ctrl-T prompt for notes and then send an outgoing spot
Ctrl-U invokes the Capture QSL Msg editor 

pastes the text contents of the Windows clipboard

Ctrl-W clears all Capture window fields, places the cursor in the Call field, clears the Log Page Display filter, and scrolls the Log Page Display to show the last entry
Ctrl-X copies the selected text to the Windows clipboard and then deletes the selected text
Ctrl-Z performs an "undo" operation
Ctrl-Left Arrow move mouse cursor to the beginning of the current word in the current item
Ctrl-Right Arrow move mouse cursor to end of the current word in the current item


QSL Editor window shortcuts

The following shortcuts are effective within all items on the QSL Editor window:


Shortcut Effect
Alt-C performs a callbook lookup on the station's callsign, placing the results in the Address
Alt-L invokes Pathfinder (if running) and pre-configures it to locate an address for the QSL manager's callsign
Alt-M performs a callbook lookup on the QSL Manager's callsign, placing the results in the Address
Alt-P invokes Pathfinder (if running) and pre-configures it to perform QSL lookups on the callsign
Alt-S updates the appropriate Log items, as well as the information in the QSL Queue
Escape discards changes and hides the Address Editor window
Alt-PageUp or Alt-Up-Arrow if the QSL Editor was invoked from the QSL Queue, selects the previous entry in the QSL Queue and updates the QSL Editor with its contents
Alt-PageDown or Alt-Down-Arrow if the QSL Editor was invoked from the QSL Queue, selects the next entry in the QSL Queue and updates the QSL Editor with its contents
Alt-Home or Alt-Left-Arrow if the QSL Editor was invoked from the QSL Queue, selects the first entry in the QSL Queue and updates the QSL Editor with its contents
Alt-End or Alt-Right-Arrow if the QSL Editor was invoked from the QSL Queue, selects the last entry in the QSL Queue and updates the QSL Editor with its contents



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