Identifying Gray-Line Propagation Openings

To display future gray-line propagation openings with a specific callsign or location,

  1. type the callsign into the the callsign panel on DXView's Main window and strike the Enter key, or click on the location on DXView's World Map window

  2. click the Sun button on DXView's Main window to display the DXView Sunrise/Sunset window

  3. in the DXView Sunrise/Sunset window, click the Gray-Line button near the upper left corner

Each row in the QTH-DX Gray-Line (GL) Paths table will specify the date of a gray-line propagation opening that begins either at your QTH's sunrise, or at your QTH's sunset, with the time at which the opening begins and ends.

Note that there may never be a gray-line propagation opening between your QTH and a particular location. For example, there will never be a gray-line propagation opening between Boston Massachusetts and any location within Mauritania.

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IdentifyGrayLineOpenings (last edited 2020-05-25 02:17:00 by AA6YQ)