This release - prevents an errorlog.txt entry generated by WebServerModule.DisplayField - provides the option to ignore the mode specified in spot notes, relying only on the spot frequency and sub-band definition file to determine a spot database entry's mode (tnx to Cliff K3LL) - displays override locations with the full ANSI character code set - increases the width of the Mode field to 32 characters - replaces the Tag field with a Tags field whose width is 1024 characters and whose content is a comma-delimited list of angle-bracket-enclosed tags - when loading the Special Callsign List from a file, if the callsign specified in a line of this file is already present in a Special Callsign List Entry, then --- if the line does not specify a tag, clear the tag list in the existing Special Callsign List Entry --- if the line specifies a single BadSource tag, set the tag list in the existing Special Callsign List Entry to BadSource --- if the line specifies one or more tags other than BadSource, append any new tags to the the tag list in the existing Special Callsign List - updates the Tag filter to seek tags that specify an organization or an organization and membership number separated by a hyphen, e.g. --- filtering with EPC will display Spot Database Entries whose Tags field contains the tag or or --- filtering with ECP-1234 will only display Spot Database Entries whose Tags field contains the tag - responds to double-clicking a Spot Database Entry whose Tags field is not empty by conveying the Tag Field contents to DXKeeper [8.4.2 or later] or WinWarbler [6.6.2 or later] - updates the ConfigurationGeneral.htm, ConfigurationSpecialCallsigns.htm, index.htm, and SpotDatabase.htm documentation files A special thanks to Laurie VK3AMA for inspiring and testing the above expansion of Special Callsign support, and for providing Special Callsign files containing membership lists for the EPC, DMC, FH, BDM, OBC, 1010, SKCC, GORC, and NDG clubs in Note: because this release expands the width of the Mode field and adds a new Tags field, it modifies your Spot Database in a way that prevents earlier versions of SpotCollector from opening your Spot Database. If your Spot Database records the long-term activity of needed DX stations you've been stalking, make a copy of your Spot Database before upgrading to 5.2.2 just in case it becomes necessary to revert to the version of SpotCollector you've previously been running. SpotCollector 5.2.2 is available via the DXLab Launcher, and via 73, Dave, AA6YQ