This release - when activating a CW spot on the world map with the CW mode panel set to CW-R, sends the correct mode designator to Commander (tnx to Art K6XT) - when activating a RTTY spot on the world map with the RTTY mode panel set to RTTY-R, send the correct mode designator to Commander (tnx to Art K6XT) - spells "override" correctly (tnx Mom) - doesn't enforce window width and height restrictions if "use dual monitors" is enabled (tnx to Gil W0MN) - uses the ISO date format in the Main and World Map window title bars (tnx to Henryk SP3E) - updates the Configuration.htm and Operation.htm online documentation files DXView 2.7.6 is available via the DXLab Launcher or via . 73, Dave, AA6YQ