Differences between revisions 26 and 27
Revision 26 as of 2024-04-02 16:01:58
Size: 5221
Editor: AA6YQ
Revision 27 as of 2024-04-02 16:12:58
Size: 5425
Editor: AA6YQ
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'''Because DXLab applications do not store their settings to the Windows Registry until directed to terminate, you must terminate any DXLab application whose settings you wish to save to a Workspace'''.

Saving and Loading Windows Registry Settings

DXLab applications store most of their settings in the Windows Registry. Because not all Backup and Recovery applications save the contents of the Windows Registry, the DXLab Launcher provides the Workspace mechanism to save each installed DXLab application's Registry settings to a file that can be backed up and, if needed, used to restore saved settings to the Windows Registry. A Workspace is a folder that resides in the Launcher's Workspaces folder. As a matter of hygiene, every DXLab user should have a Workspace that contains up-to-date settings; whenever you make permanent changes to a DXLab application's settings, direct the Launcher to save the settings of all DXLab applications to that Workspace.


Creating a New Workspace

  1. on the Launcher's Main window, depress the Ctrl key while clicking the Config button; the DXLab Launcher Workspaces window will appear

  2. in the DXLab Launcher Workspaces window, click the Create Empty Workspace button; a small window will appear that prompts you to specify the new workspace name, for which your callsign is suggested

The newly created Workspace will contain no settings; to populate it with the Windows Registry settings of your installed DXLab applications, follow the procedure described in the next section.


Saving the Windows Registry Settings of all DXLab Applications to a Workspace

  1. terminate all DXLab applications except the Launcher
  2. on the Launcher's Main window, depress the Ctrl key while clicking the Config button; the DXLab Launcher Workspaces window will appear

  3. in the DXLab Launcher Workspaces window,

    1. select the Workspace into which settings will be saved by clicking its name in the Workspaces panel on the left

    2. in the All DXLab Applications panel, click the Save Settings to Workspace button

Be sure to configure your backup-and-recovery application(s) to include the Launcher's Workspaces folder and its sub-folders.


Loading the Windows Registry with All Settings from a Workspace

  1. terminate all DXLab applications except the Launcher
  2. on the Launcher's Main window, depress the Ctrl key while clicking the Config button; the DXLab Launcher Workspaces window will appear

  3. in the DXLab Launcher Workspaces window,

    1. select the Workspace from which settings will be loaded by clicking its name in the Workspaces panel on the left

    2. in the All DXLab Applications panel, click the Load Settings from Workspace button


Saving the Windows Registry Settings of One Selected DXLab Application to a Workspace

  1. terminate the DXLab Application whose settings are to be loaded into the Windows Registry (unless it's the Launcher)
  2. on the Launcher's Main window, depress the Ctrl key while clicking the Config button; the DXLab Launcher Workspaces window will appear

  3. in the DXLab Launcher Workspaces window,

    1. select the Workspace to which settings will be saved by clicking its name in the Workspaces panel on the left

    2. in the Selected DXLab Application panel,

      1. use the Application Settings to Save selector to choose the DXLab application whose settings are to be saved to selected Workspace

      2. click the Save Settings to Workspace button (in the Selected DXLab Application panel!)

  4. start the DXLab Application whose settings to the selected Workspace


Loading the Windows Registry with One Selected DXLab Application's Settings from a Workspace

  1. terminate the DXLab Application whose settings are to be loaded into the Windows Registry (unless it's the Launcher)
  2. on the Launcher's Main window, depress the Ctrl key while clicking the Config button; the DXLab Launcher Workspaces window will appear

  3. in the DXLab Launcher Workspaces window,

    1. select the Workspace from which settings will be loaded by clicking its name in the Workspaces panel on the left

    2. in the Selected DXLab Application panel,

      1. use the Application Settings to Load selector to choose the DXLab application whose settings are to be loaded into the Windows Registry

      2. click the Load Settings from Workspace button (in the Selected DXLab Application panel!)

  4. start the DXLab Application whose settings were loaded into the Windows Registry


Because DXLab applications do not store their settings to the Windows Registry until directed to terminate, you must terminate any DXLab application whose settings you wish to save to a Workspace.

Additional Information

DXLab Application Settings

Sharing DXLab Among Multiple Users on the Same PC

Saving and Restoring Registry Settings

Post a question or suggestion on the DXLab Discussion Group

Protecting Critical Files and Settings

Getting Started with DXLab

CreateUpdateWorkspace (last edited 2024-04-02 16:12:58 by AA6YQ)