Before installing or upgrading to DXKeeper 17.5.6, review the Notes below. This version - in messages that ask the user whether to clear the Log Page Display filter and include the current filter in the message, truncates the displayed filter if it's so long that the entire message would not be displayed (tnx to Tom KB2URI) - if the "QSL Date Format" panel on the "QSL Configuration" window's General tab is set to dd-mmm-yy, corrects the time portion to includes hours and minutes, rather than minutes and seconds (tnx to Tony ON6TM) - does not perform a Save operation when the "Field Editor" window is closed (tnx to Chris W2PA) - if the "Sync LoTW QSLs" function encounters a QSO reported by LoTW to have "DXCC Credit granted" but whose "LoTW Date Rcvd" item is empty, populates the "LoTW Date Rcvd" item with the "QSL Date Rcvd" reported by LoTW (tnx to Jim AB3CV) - when performing the "Sync LoTW QSLs" function, correctly implements the LoTW Phone mode group, which includes the modes PHONE, AM, C4FM, DIGITALVOICE, FM, and SSB (tnx to John N4QWF) - updates the DefaultModes.txt file in DXKeeper's Databases folder to indicate that C4FM counts for DXCC phone awards - corrects the "Sync LoTW QSLs" and "Recompute" functions to correctly handle and report QSOs that specify an undefined myQTH (tnx to Dave NB3R) - corrects Recompute button's explanatory popup (thanks to Dave W6DE) - corrects the ADIF tag used to import and export a myQTH's "Sec Name" item: APP_DXKEEPER_MY_COUNTY_NAME (tnx to Alan N5NA) - when importing an ADIF record that specifies an APP_DXKEEPER_MY_QTHID tag whose specified myQTH ID designates no existing myQTH, places the information conveyed by the record's, MY_DXCC, MY_STATE, and MY_CNTY tags in the newly created myQTH's 'DXCC code', 'Pri code', and 'Sec code' items respectively (tnx to Alan N5NA) - adds updated TQSL error descriptions (tnx to Rick K1MU) - if the Log Page Display is filtered when an FFMA progress report is invoked, asks the user if the filtering should be removed (tnx to Mike W1MI) - updates the Primary Subdivision Database to adds Sud Sardegna (SU) to the list of Sardinian Provinces - the new name of Carbonia-Iglesias (CI) since 2017-01-01 (tnx to Paul NF1G) - Updates the Secondary Subdivision Database to reflect changes made by JARL (tnx to Jack K4IJQ) --- marked 1119 Ayase(city) is no longer deleted --- marked 35010 Toyota is no longer deleted --- marked 43005 Kamimashikiis no longer deleted --- added 180208 Hamamatsu, Chuo Ku --- added 180209 Hamamatsu, Hamana Ku --- marked 180201 Naka as deleted --- marked 180202 Higashi as deleted --- marked 180203 Nishi as deleted --- marked 180204 Minami as deleted --- marked 180205 Kita as deleted --- marked 180206 Hamakita as deleted - extends the Marathon Realtime Award Tracking, Progress Report, and Submission functions to support the new Challenge Class, and generates a submission file in XML format rather than via a Scoresheet; see "Marathon Notes" below (tnx to Joe WQ6Q and Joe W4TV) - makes the dialog box displayed when "Sync LoTW QSLs" detects an inconsistency and the "Handling of LoTW QSL detail inconsistencies" panel is set to "Display a dialog box and let operator choose..." always be "on top" of other windows (tnx to Dave NB3R) - updates the Configuration.htm, Import.htm, Log.htm, Prerequisites.htm, Progress.htm, QSL.htm, and QSLConfiguration.htm documentation files Marathon Notes There are now 4 possible Marathon objectives: 1. Mixed 2. Any one specified Band 3. Any one specified Mode 4. Challenge (80m, 40m, 30m, 20m, 17m, 15m, 12m, and 10m) As in previous versions, the settings in the "Marathon Bands & Modes" panel on the Configuration window's Awards tab can be set to one, several, or all of these objectives. These settings govern Marathon Realtime Award Tracking (including SpotCollector's highlighting of active stations with whom a QSO would increase your score for one or more of these objectives) and govern the data provided in the generated Marathon Progress Report, whether initiated by clicking the Progress button in the "CQ DX Marathon" panel on the Main window's "Check Progress" tab, or by clicking the Report button inn the "Marathon Award Progress Filter" panel at the bottom of the "Realtime Award Tracking" window's Marathon tab. Thus you can pursue many Marathon objectives over the course of a year, and then choose which of the above 4 to actually submit at the end of that year. Clicking the "Year, Class, & Category" button in the in the "Marathon Bands & Modes" panel on the Configuration window's Awards tab displays the "Marathon Year, Class, Category, and Submission Information" window, whose settings drive the submission generated when you click the Submission button in the "CQ DX Marathon" panel on the Main window's "Check Progress" tab. Because Challenge is referred to as a Class, select it by clicking the Challenge button in this window's Class panel; doing so will clear all the buttons in the Category panel. With the Challenge Class selected, clicking any button in the Category panel will clear the Class panel's Challenge button; you will then have to set the Class panel to QRP, Formula, Limited, or Unlimited before you can generate a submission. Directing DXKeeper to generate a submission produces two files: a Submission report with a .txt extension that shows what was submitted, and a Submission file with a .xml extension that you can upload to the Marathon Submission Tool by clicking the "Load New File(s)" button on The Marathon Submission Tool - does not yet support the new Marathon Challenge Class - ignores the "Antenna Description" specified in the "Marathon Year, Class, Category, and Submission Information" window, and does not enable DXKeeper to specify your antenna configuration - a defect that the Marathon Submission Tool developer considers a feature Notes: 1. Direct the Launcher to install or upgrade DXKeeper 2. Update your firewall and anti-malware applications to consider this new version of DXKeeper to be "safe" a. JOTTI virus scan: 0 of 14 scanners detected malware in this version's executable b. VirusTotal: 1 of 72 scanners detected malware in this version's executable 3. If this upgrade doesn't work correctly, see the "After an Upgrade" section of 4. After upgrading, to revert to the previous version of DXKeeper, see DXKeeper 17.5.6 is available via the DXLab Launcher and via 73, Dave, AA6YQ